Strong Passwords & Multi-Factor Authentication Tips

January 10, 2024

family on the internet with their dog lounging on the floor

The internet is intertwined with all our daily lives.  While it allows us to connect with people across the world, access limitless amounts of information instantly, bank online, and more, these conveniences come with many risks as well. It is now more important than ever to protect your personal information online by utilizing multi-factor authentication and creating secure passwords.

Multi-factor authentication is a multi-step log-in process that requires a user to enter more than just a password to access their account. For example, when you log into your email account from your computer, you may get a code sent to your cell phone that must also be entered on the original device to confirm it is actually you attempting to log in. This is an added way to secure your accounts and protect yourself from cybercriminals.

Creating unique and secure passwords for all usernames and platforms may seem like a tedious task, but it is worth it to keep your personal information secure. The experts at BayFirst have compiled a list of tips to help you create the strongest passwords possible.
  1. Don’t use the same password for multiple platforms.
    1. Although it may be tempting to stick to one password for all platforms to make it easier for you to remember, try to avoid this practice. When you do this, if one account gets hacked by cybercriminals, all your corresponding accounts become vulnerable.
  2. Create long, complex passwords.
    1. The longer the password, the better.
  3. Opt for a passphrase.
    1. Detailed passwords are great, but passphrases are even better. They are easier for you to remember, and more challenging for cybercriminals to guess. For example, instead of using the password bank123, which is short and easy to guess, you could use the passphrase ilovemybAnkb@yf!rst#. With the substituted characters and length, this passphrase is a much more secure route.
  4. Don’t use personal information.
    1. Avoid using your child’s or pet’s name. These are easy for hackers to guess.
  5. Update passwords regularly.
    1. Mark your calendar to change all your passwords every few months. The more often you can change them, the more protected you are.
With these tips in mind, you can confidently safeguard your online presence. And rest assured, BayFirst is here for you with cutting-edge technology and encryption to ensure your online and digital banking is safe and secure on our end as well. Pass these tips along to any friends or family who may be susceptible to online risks and stay safe online!


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